Authorization training and awareness of electrical risks : 

The main hazards of working with electricity are: electric shock and burns from contact with live parts. injury from exposure to arcing (when electricity jumps from one circuit to another) fire from faulty electrical equipment or installations


Electrical riskhabilitation training, is not training in electricity, but testimony to the skills of the speaker in all tasks carried out on or near electrical installations, electrical skills, Electrician ou no Electrician  carried out operations in complete safety and knowledge of what to do in the event of an accident.

The electrical accreditation training for workers is based on the provisions of decree No. 01-342  of  28 -10 – 01, relating to the specific requirements for the protection and safety of workers against electrical risks within employing organizations and to the technical rules of standard NFC 18-510.



 Objectives of electrical accreditation training


For electricians :

1. Adeepen the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to work safely on electrical installations.

2. Understand current standards and regulations regarding electrical work.

3. Learn the procedures and precautions to take to work on electrical installations and works without risk of accidents.

4. To Know the Prevention and Protection barriers to minimize the risk of accident and reduce severity.

5. To know the means of protection against direct contact with bare live parts.

6. To know the means of protection against indirect contact with masses accidentally brought under voltage.

7. Electrical phenomena linked to high-tension (Induction, step voltage, electric arc).

8. To know the levels of authorizations, the role and responsibility of each authorized participant.

For non-electricians : 

1. To allow non-electricians to acquire basic knowledge of electrical risks and the safety measures to be taken in the event of non-electrical work nearby or inside premises housing electrical installations .

2. The Physiological Effects of Electric Current.

3. The Effects of the Passage of Alternating Current on the human body.

4. To know the Prevention and Protection barriers to minimize the risk of accident and reduce severity.

5. To know the mechanisms of electrification (direct and indirect contact) and ways to protect yourself.

6. To nkow how to use personal protective equipment (PPE) and collective protection equipment(CPE).

7. To understand the main dangers related to electricity and how to avoid them.

8. To learn to recognize risky situations and adopt appropriate safety behaviors in the presence of electrical equipment.

9. To know the levels of authorizations, the role and responsibility of each authorized non-electrician participant .


Duration of electrical accreditation training


For electricians :

According to Standard NFC 18 510 Electrical accreditation training for electricians is set at three (03) days ; however, it can be extended in duration depending on the qualification level targeted and the modules included by the learners. In general, it can last several days depending on the specific training program.

For non-electricians :

The duration of the electrical accreditation training, mentioned above, for non-electricians is set at one to two days and may vary depending on the level of complexity of the topics covered by the learners. In general, it can last from one to several days depending on the specific needs of the training.

At the end of the training and having satisfied the evaluation criteria, Participants will receive an Electrical Accreditation Level Notice attesting to the learner's competence to work safely on electrical installations in accordance with current regulations. The certificate (Authorization Title) will be signed by the Employer and the authorized person and will be issued by the Employer to his agent in accordance with the law in force.


 Please feel free to ask us for more details or additional information if necessary.


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