hse training for copany

Hygiene, Safety and Environment training adapted to each company


At the request of the company, our consultants and specialists will develop a tailor-made program, in the aim of overcoming the inadequacies and failures of the system, as well as the needs expressed by the customer above all.


After the promulgation of the new texts relating to the training of workers in the field of professional risks, in particular Executive Decree No. 02 -427 of 03 Chaouel 1423 corresponding to December 7, 2002 relating to the conditions of organization of the instruction, information and training of workers in the field of risk prevention, below the HSE training developed by the 'Institut Image.

Risk prevention

Handling of chemicals, and risks linked to dangerous chemical agents.
The Fire Risk.
The Risks linked to handling.
Risks linked to ionizing and biological radiation.
in confined spaces.
Electrical risks.
Mechanical risks.
The risks associated with working in laboratories.
The risks associated with working at height .
Risks related to handling.

Safety and First Aid

L’Evaluation des Risques professionnels.
Analyse des risques par la méthode de l’arbre des causes.
Formation sur le Permis de Travail.
Les gestes qui sauvent : Le secourisme.
Sensibilisation à La sécurité Et aux Risques Professionnels.
Conduite defensive et sécurité routiére .
Equipements de protection individuelle et collective (EPI, EPC).

